Wait--he's grabbing a machete!
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"Now, people should remember that no refugee can enter our borders until they undergo the highest security checks of anyone traveling to the United States."
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The Obama Administration's own FBI director has admitted almost all Syrian refugees have no paper trail and so it would make no difference if they vetted them "until the cows come home."
The Paris massacre has terribly inconvenienced Obama and the private 'refugee' resettlement contractors, who get paid per-head for sponsoring tens of thousands of (economic Muslim) 'refugees,' dumping them onto unsuspecting communities all across America, and gleefully soaking up taxpayer dollars, as state after state turns Democrat blue or deeper blue.
How will your community look and operate after it is filled with Third World peoples? Easy answer: Like the rest of the Third World.
Not for us to worry, though. This is the gift we will be bestowing upon our great-grandchildren.