Sunday, November 29, 2015

WND: Obama launches PR campaign to change America's idea of refugees - Image: Today's 'Pilgrims' --tma

Today's 'Pilgrims'

The Obama administration and its refugee contractors have unleashed a public relations blitz designed to convince the American people that thousands of Muslim “refugees” from Syria, Iraq and other jihadist hotbeds will be good for the country, equating the “refugees” with Pilgrims who came to escape religious persecution.

Repeated references will also be made to the Statue of Liberty and its moniker, “Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses,” and America’s “history as a place of refuge.”

But the Paris attacks changed everything.

Obama’s plans to import tens of thousands of Muslim refugees from jihadist battlefields in Syria, Iraq, Somalia and Afghanistan had flown mostly under the radar of the average American.

But when 130 people were killed while watching soccer and partying at a rock concert in Paris, the world took notice of who carried out the attacks. At least two of the eight terrorists entered Europe among the ranks of refugees flooding in from Syria and other countries in the Middle East.

ISIS itself has promised it would exploit this avenue into the West, and Paris proved the terrorist organization meant what it said.

Polls in the wake of the attack showed a clear majority of Americans did not want to accept any Muslim refugees from Syria and Iraq. ...