Prominent dirt-moving construction family; high school Model UN; prom king; Oscar Mayer salesman, drove Wienermobile; Huge Ayn Rand fan; College Boehner volunteer; 1998, elected to House, 1st District, Wisconsin; 2011, Kenosha, Racine constituents protest factory closings, job losses and Ryan’s refusal to meet with them, Ryan’s office locks doors and files police report against them; August, 2012, announced Romney VP choice, receives 47% against Biden; 2014, 63% win, has never received less than 55% on district votes; one of his musical favorites: ‘Rage Against the Machine’; October, 2015 became House Speaker; December, 2015, maneuvered through passage the Omnibus Spending Bill, a parade horribilis of massive spending that will, for example, serve to put legal, illegal and ‘refugee’ migration on steroids.
–Dates, data, figures: wiki