Saturday, December 12, 2015

Tom Tancredo - Breitbart: Lessons Lost? Cultural Suicide Continues After San Bernardino Islamist Attack - While Americans are seeing that new reality– that we are NOT safe– Congress is choosing to double down on willful ignorance.

Last week 14 residents of San Bernardino, California were killed by Islamist assassins, jihadist murderers who were thought to be friends and coworkers. There are critical lessons to be learned from that attack if we will heed them.

Until that moment on December 2, most Americans and the nation’s entire political class could pretend the fight against Islamist terrorism was a matter of keeping the terrorists “over there” – in Iraq, Yemen, Somalia, Syria and so forth. No rational person can believe that today. And yet, our political class is acting as if nothing has changed. The power of Political Correctness is demonstrated by the entire political establishment coming to the defense of open immigration from Muslim-majority nations.
We now live in a polarized political universe: there is the world of reality where ordinary folks live, and then there is world of political fantasy where Political Correctness is king.
The reality is that we can no longer sleep soundly at night thinking that if we keep the terrorists “out there,” we are safe inside our homes and offices: That illusion is gone.  It is suicidal to continue to believe that if we secure the borders, bomb ISIS in Syria, and properly “vet” the 85,000 refugees and 1.2 million immigrants we are admitting this year, we will be safe from terrorist attack.
While Americans are seeing that new reality– that we are NOT safe– Congress is choosing to double down on willful ignorance ...