2016 Super Bowl Security and the Fall of the West
“Fed, state, local officials beef up Super Bowl security”
AP story ran in many outlets, including:
In “Fed, state, local officials beef up Super Bowl security,” 2/3/16, we learned that 60 federal agencies would be swarming that event with everything from facial recognition cameras to low-altitude choppers, of course with 9-11, Paris and San Bernardino in mind. To paraphrase Sarah Palin on another matter, How’s that rainbowy open-bordersy stuff working out?
All Western nations, unlike those of Asians, Africans, Hispanics, Muslims, etc, are now said to grow not out of ‘blood and soil,’ but are simply ‘Idea Nations.’ Today people of European heritage are supposed to see themselves as sort of disembodied Utopians, maybe something like hovering blue orbs of compassion and tolerance, ultra-evolved beings that any Western-thinking newcomer, Pigmy or Eskimo, can gratefully transform themselves into.
The central idea making up this Idea Nation is said to be ‘democracy.’ So isn’t it odd that democratically voting on this whole concept, and its assumed requirement of eternally open borders, leading us to an ever more teeming ‘vibrant diversity,’ with ever increasing crime, conflict and security risks, has been carefully cordoned away from any democratic vote by our open-borders overlords and their PC Police, until this year’s presidential campaign?
You have to wonder if the ancient high civilizations of Greece and Rome, although never jettisoning ethnicity or race for our religion of Vibrant Diversify, were ever tempted to think of themselves as representing the obviously superior ideas of the future, to be willingly taken up by the conquered and imported alien multitudes.
When those societies were finally inundated and their great architecture and other achievements collapsed into the ruins of the Dark Ages, did any of the last survivors see that their underlying instincts and beliefs had been correct, that civilizations do not grow out of their ideas alone, but that their ideas and they themselves grew out of what they had uniquely become down through eons of time and struggle? --tma