WASHINGTON, DC, Feb 26 – “The Presidential Primary Campaigns have created an atmosphere of confusion on both the right and the left. The popularity of Socialist contender Bernie Sanders has certainly taken Liberal Hillary Clinton by surprise in the Democratic races. For Republicans, the search is on for the candidate who is the real Conservative,” according to Dan Weber, president of the Association of Mature American Citizens.
AMAC doesn’t endorse candidates but it does endorse the concept of Conservativism “and after eight years of an ultra-Liberal administration, the country appears to want to steer the ship of state to starboard, to set us on the right course.” But it may not be so easy to tell who the real Conservatives in the 2016 field are, he says.
Robert Charles, a veteran of both the Ronald Reagan and George H.W. Bush administrations, recently published an essay at Townhall Magazine entitled How Should a Conservative Vote? in which he offered his views on how to sort out the Republican candidates.
Charles, who is a senior consultant to AMAC, believes that you can’t go wrong by taking the advice of Russell Kirk whom, he says, is the Father of Modern Conservatism. In 1953, when the Conservative Movement in the U.S. was in its infancy, Kirk published his book, The Conservative Mind, which “described the existence of a coherent, connected tradition of conservative thinking, going back at least two hundred years, according to Lee Edwards, Ph.D., a prominent historian.
Based on Kirk’s philosophy, Charles suggests that we ask ourselves these questions to determine whose ticket you’ll be punching at the ballot box: “Are you thinking hard about what you are doing, not just feeling the satisfaction of slashing at what is despised? Are you thinking about who can work within our complex constitutional system, to thoughtfully change what we do not like? Are you thinking about who personifies prudence – not the mad dash to a seemingly simple answer? Are you a real conservative, drawing your convictions from faith and duty, patience and history? Or are you just another French Revolutionary, willing to take the boat over the falls, destroying what we all value in the process? In short, are you thinking about who may lead wisely, not just with passion?”
Weber says that his colleague’s advice is sound, particularly in this year’s primary campaigns marked by “bombast and name-calling” and little in the way of thoughtful positioning. As Charles put it in his article, the AMAC chief noted, “keep your eyes on ‘long run consequences’ and not just ‘temporary advantage or popularity.’ Why? Because ‘liberals and radicals … are imprudent.’ You will know their nature because ‘they dash at their objectives without giving much heed to the risk of new abuses worse than the evils they hope to sweep away.’
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I'm sure it was old news to many, but my first hint (like a ball-peen hammer on the head) that AMAC was not truly conservative, but a Neocon operation was when they first introduced the presidential candidates in their monthly magazine. Very subtle: The photos of the other candidates were on the flattering side, while the trump photo was obviously chosen to be a bad one. The summaries of the other candidates were all in a positive light, while trump's had several critical zingers.
Now the above emailed article that manages to snicker various criticisms of Trump while not actually uttering his name. All objective, all arm's-length, highly intellectual, dontcha know. Oh brother.
What drives the Neocons batty is that most Republicans are NOT looking for who is the purest "conservative," who knows most about the Interstate Commerce Clause or was one of the founders of the NRA, etc, but who is most likely to stop the never ending tsunami of illegal migrants, bring jobs back home and stop these ever more bizarre anti-American trade deals.
However the above AMAC article was wonderfully, unintentionally informative in a different way. Republicans who don't want open borders, don't want their family members killed by illegal aliens, don't want jobs shipped overseas, don't want economy killing trade deals, etc, are thought by AMAC and the rest of our ruling elites to be wild-eyed "French Revolutionaries."
However, in a way, maybe we are, since we are living in a time when plain old common sense is considered revolutionary to our Open-Borders Overlords--who really need to finally be taken down by voters, voters of both parties who still care about saving our beloved Historic American Nation.