Ann Corcoran
We’ve read about this USCIS grant program over recent years where the Obama Administration is passing out grant money like candy to non-profit groups. And, surprise (not!) some of the recipients of your money are some of the same federal contractors pouring refugees into your towns.
Obama and the Dems want to get as many permanent residents as possible through the citizenship process as fast as possible.
Remember they are changing America by changing the people and they have to make sure large numbers can vote legally (in addition to those who will vote illegally)!
It sounds good—getting immigrants prepared to be American citizens, but it also strikes me as one more pile of boodle for refugee contractors already awash in your money.
Here is a recent press release from USCIS announcing the next traunch of your money available to the non-profits.
Grants will support citizenship preparation services for permanent residents
WASHINGTON—U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) is now accepting applications for two funding opportunities under the Citizenship and Integration Grant Program. These are competitive grant opportunities for organizations that prepare permanent residents for naturalization and promote civic integration through increased knowledge of English, U.S. history and civics. The two programs will provide up to $10 million in grants for citizenship preparation programs in communities across the country. Applications are due by April 22.
Through these grant opportunities, USCIS seeks to expand availability of high-quality citizenship preparation services throughout the country. The two opportunities are:
Since 2009, USCIS has awarded approximately $53 million through 262 grants to organizations that have provided citizenship preparation services to more than 138,000 permanent residents in 35 states and the District of Columbia.
Now go here and have a look at the grant recipients for 2015, most received $250,000 each. I sure hope someone is auditing this program!
The Arab Community Center of Dearborn, MI got $250,000, Church World Service, Durham NC got $249,991, Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society, Philadelphia ($250,000) and the union SEIU, New York got $250,000 to name just a few.