Friday, April 1, 2016

Daily Mail: Sweden's North Sea 'pirate' illegal migrant blockers - Even Daily Mail, all and only Whites who favor border laws are "far" far far right!

Patrol: Dennis Ljung, 31 (centre) and his colleagues voluntarily patrol  the strait of Öresund for illegal migrants in a speedboat

  • Far right nationalist vigilantes Nationell Framtid patrol Öresund strait between Denmark and Sweden in a speedboat
  • The self-proclaimed pirates hunt down 'suspicious boats' hiding migrants being smuggled into Sweden illegally 
  • Dennis Ljung, 31, leads the Nationell Framtid or 'National Future' group set up in amid the April 2015 migrant crisis
  • Border checks were tightened in December to stop illegal crossings to Sweden, but the pirates say they are lazy
  • The vigilantes say illegals enter Sweden helped by organised gangs and 'do-gooders who think they are helping'
  • At its height last year 10,000 migrants entered Sweden every week from Denmark using the bridge between Malmö and Copenhagen and the ferries between Helsingör and Helsingborg ...