Conservative Wall Street Journal columnist Peggy Noonan said in her latest op-ed that Donald Trump's critics within the Republican Party should come around to understanding that they're no longer leading the GOP.
Trump and his supporters are.
"I do not understand the impulse of the NeverTrump people to anathametize and shun those Republicans who will not vow to oppose Mr. Trump and commit to defeating him," said Noonan in her Thursday night column. "They have been warned that if they don't do these things they will not be allowed to help rebuild the party after Mr. Trump destroys it. Conservatives love to throw conservatives out of conservatism; it's like an ancestral tic."
"But great political movements should not be run like private clubs," she added. "And have the anathemitizers noticed they aren't in charge anymore? That in the great antiestablishment disruption of 2016 they have been upended, too?" ...