Posted by Ann Corcoran on June 11, 2016

There is so much news surrounding this issue (refugees, immigration, Islamic terrorism, the European invasion, Election 2016, etc. and some of it you send me), that I couldn’t possibly post all of it, but so as not to lose it, I tweet it. Therefore, I urge you to have a look at that twitter feed for stories that interest me and might interest you!
Here are the top three posts of the last week (the week of June 6th) that were the most visited here at RRW:
Düsseldorf in the news again as migrants burn down asylum center
Ten things your town needs to know as it is targeted for refugee resettlement
No break for NH as feds approve just short of 500 new refugees for the state
See our category simply called ‘blogging’ for all of our previous roundups.