TO: Senator Jeff Sessions, Chairman Senate Subcommittee on Immigration and the National Interest
RE: Citizen testimony to the Senate Subcommittee on Immigration and the National Interest - 10/03/2016
From: xxxxxx
cc: Congressman Tom McClintock
Chairman Jeff Sessions, Senator:
I understand that American citizens can submit testimony in writing regarding the US Refugee Admissions / Resettlement Program. I have followed this issue for several years, but since I am not an expert, I will not include all sorts of sometimes available data on such topics as social welfare, crime and security costs that have been thrust upon the various resettlement localities, everything from the costs of more crowded emergency rooms trying to treat the uninsured, our Tower of Babel school rooms, new desperately needed rape counseling programs, as recently reported in Lewiston, Maine, shortages of subsidized housing for our own citizens, newly imported exotic diseases, or the legally required supplying of interpreters in all sorts of situations for migrants speaking dozens of different languages. Nor will I supply a first-hand account from someone residing in a ‘welcoming community,’ since I live in a town of less than 5,000 residents, which has, at least so far as I know, not yet quietly been declared by the for-profit, paid-per-head refugee resettlement industry and the United Nations to be ‘welcoming.’
I just want to state that Congress needs to halt all taxpayer funding going to ‘Refugee’ Resettlement (I am placing ‘refugee’ in quotes here since some migrants obviously are coming to the U.S. for economic and religious-cultural expansionist reasons that do not fit the legal definition of refugee) until Congress has produced or has examined a full taxpayer, crime and security impact statement.
Beyond that, it should be more than enough to immediately halt the program from a number of nations about which the FBI and the Department of Homeland Security have stated that most potential ‘refugees’ have no paper trail and therefore no amount of meaningful vetting can be accomplished, on top of which some migrants who come to the U.S. produce offspring who seem to effortlessly morph into radicalized killers.
There should be Committee testimony examining, among other topics, what has been taking place in the half-dozen or so of our nation’s top 'refugee' receiving towns. Of course there are many other areas to examine, such as 'transparency,' since Refugee Resettlement has been shrouded in Soviet-style secrecy when it comes to avoiding the attention of local taxpaying citizens–until it is too late. After migrants start flowing into your town, any thoughtful criticism of these misguided U.S. policies will be deemed to be based on unhinged ‘fear’ and ‘racism’ of the virulently ‘anti-immigrant.’
The sources of local ‘welcoming’ support, besides the for-profit contractors themselves, working under the cover of a religious charity spin, tend to be a few officials allied with cheap labor companies, which are often part of what has been called global Big Meat, needing an insatiable supply of cheap docile foreign labor.
Typically, in the beginning, with little or no notification to local citizens, there may be a newspaper puff piece about a few families 'fleeing from war' who are being ‘welcomed’–and what sort of hard-hearted monster could object? Or there might be a highly choreographed town meeting that carefully avoids answering any room full of annoying taxpaying citizens demanding answers, by quickly breaking people up into ‘discussion groups’ steered by pre-selected ‘moderators’ with a cheerleader refugee-‘welcoming’ agenda.
And then it begins: The first half-dozen or so colonizing families begin growing into a ‘chained-in’ stream of ever more family members, plus some new unrelated migrants, all of which we see nationally today is progressing into a Mississippi Refugee River, continually flooding in upon our hapless American taxpayers who can’t help but scratch their heads and ask themselves: ‘When were we ever allowed to vote on this?’
Finally, somewhat larger than the specific topic I am addressing, I would be remiss if I did not note that the U.S. Refugee Resettlement Program is part of a massive never-ending legal and illegal migrant flow that assumes that American society, with its European-based institutions, such as Congress, and its cultural and environmental resources can withstand infinite future redoublings of its population numbers. It cannot.
Senator Sessions, please save our taxpayers, our security and our Historic American Nation.
Thank you so very much,
Tuolumne Co, CA