Thursday, September 28, 2017

AmRen - Book Reviewed by Jane Weir: The Whiteboard Jungle - What's it like being a White teacher in an Atlanta slum?

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A report from an Atlanta slum.
A. Teacher, What It Is Like to Teach in Failing Schools: A Memoir, an Inquiry, and a Critique2016, 268 pp., Kindle $0.99, Paperback $12.95.
Back in the mid-1950s, novelist Sloan Wilson wrote a highly successful but discomfiting bestseller. It was about a man very much like the author of this book: a young writer who lived in a cramped, rundown house with his wife and three children, and worked an ill-paid job at an educational non-profit. He struggled to make ends meet, surviving on a combination of booze and white-knuckle desperation. ...