Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Ann Coulter: They Don’t Call It ‘the Great Tweet of China’ - 332 hurricane deaths in past 12 years - From illegal aliens: 7,000

“The wall has to get built, and nothing else matters.”
During the campaign, Donald J. Trump made lots of promises — he’d be the greatest jobs president God ever created, he’d cut taxes, he’d balance the budget, he’d give all Americans fantastic health care, he’d renegotiate NAFTA, he’d scotch the Iran deal and so on.
But there was one central promise without which he wouldn’t have been elected: He said he’d build a wall.
Either Trump understood the urgency of our border crisis, as his every campaign speech suggested, or it was just meaningless boilerplate to get himself elected. If it was the latter, then our search continues for one politician who won’t lie to us.
It was precisely the Nietzschean Eternal Recurrence of politicians promising to get tough on immigration, but never, ever doing it, that caused voters to cling to Trump like a life vest in a tidal wave.
If Trump actually believed what he claimed to believe, he would treat the building of a wall as a far more urgent priority than sending FEMA after a hurricane. ...