Monday, April 30, 2018

VDare - Federale: The Caravan—Time For A New Mexican Punitive Expedition? - Just need military STOPPING at border (maybe Baron will complete Wall) and a few Mex Capitol drone strikes - Mexico has been invading us for decades and we're whining about not signing NAFTA? SAD --tma

Federale writes: In 1916 the United States sent a punitive expedition into Mexico in response to the Mexican government’s willful failure to control its side of the U.S.-Mexican border.  The casus belli was an illegal entry by Mexican nationals over the border and the subsequent rapes, murders, and pillage committed by Mexicans on Americans.  In 100 years nothing has changed.  The Mexican government and people think that the border means nothing.  And the attitude continues today to include non-Mexicans as well.
Today, and for the last month, the Mexican government has aided and abetted illegal aliens from Honduras, El Salvador, and Guatemala, members of the notorious Caravan of Death—death of the traditional American nation—to traverse the country so as to appear at the border with the United States and enter illegally. ...