Thursday, November 8, 2018

Defend Europa: Macron wants a European Army - In the our whacky topsy-turvy upside-down Globalist world will this mean an army facilitating third-world invasions? --tma

Unpopular French president Emmanuel Macron revealed this Tuesday, November the 6th in a long interview to Radio Europe 1 his ambitious plans to revive a pan European army, based on a combined EU military force: “We won’t protect Europeans if we don’t decide to have a real European army.” 
He also said that European countries were too reliant on Washington for their defense and would like to see that dependence ending”We must have a Europe that can defend itself on its own without relying only on the United States”, he added.
The idea of a pan European army is not a new one and has been around ever since the end of WWII and with the creation of EEC (European Economic Community), the processor of the European Union. While the idea was forgotten over the years and also deemed unnecessary by the existence of NATO, the election of US president Donald Trump and also Brexit might explain why the idea was again revived by globalist leaders from continental Europe. ...