Sunday, November 18, 2018

Occidental Observer - Tobias Langdon: Avital Ronell and the Corruption of Western Academia - "Western academia is corrupt, diseased and malignant"

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Orwell’s story suggests a new word to me: typhlophthalism, meaning “the practice of turning a blind eye to essential but inconvenient facts” (from Greek typhlos, “blind,” + ophthalmos, “eye”). But it’s a long word, so let’s call it typhlism for short. Shorter is better, because the term could be used so often today. Orwell’s story is an allegory of modern Western politics and social commentary, where so many essential but inconvenient facts are “silently dropped” from analysis. For example, the Labour MP Denis MacShane and the Labour council were typhlistic when, for reasons of political correctness, they turned a blind eye to the horrors being committed by brown-skinned Muslims against White working-class girls in Rotherham. ...