Saturday, November 3, 2018

Refugee Resettlement Watch - Dozens of Australia’s rejected asylum seekers offered a ticket to the US, turned it down ... They heard they would have to work in America! - DJT still honoring BHO "Dumb Deal"

Posted by Ann Corcoran on November 2, 2018
They heard they would have to work in America!
This is another in my ever-expanding archive about that Obama “dumb deal” (honored by President Trump) to take 1,250 of Australia’s detained illegal aliens to the US as refugees.
Readers need to know that this whole scheme is outside the normal internationally understood process for dealing with asylum seekers and economic migrants.  Simply put:
Australia’s illegal aliens are not our problem! ...
     President Trump needs only to truthfully announce that because of new security threats necessitating improved vetting procedures, migrants without extensive legal paper trails and those migrating 'for a better life,' which does not fall under asylum law, third world illegal migration is now shut down. 
     Is a federal judge going to force a president to take Australia's rejected 'refugees'? How would the courts enforce this?