Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Chris Roberts: The White Advocate’s Case for Julián Castro’s 21st Century Central American ‘Marshall Plan’ - Would be money down a corrupt dysfunctional rat hole--and US would be blamed for the resulting train wreck ---tma


Democratic presidential candidate Julián Castro wants a “Marshall Plan” for Central America. His proposals are what you would expect from a non-white, leftist politician.
Yet his purpose is to reduce the need for immigration by developing Central American countries. “Challenges in governance and economic development have consequences to migration to the United States,” his platform states. He wants to allow “individuals to build a life in their communities rather than make a dangerous journey leaving their homes.”
Why should Americans be forced to fund foreign, hostile, and dysfunctional nations? There’s no moral obligation. Yet maintaining a secure border is costly. There’s a practical case that we may save more money by spending on Central Americans within their own countries than spending on “migrants” here. ...