Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Normally TV free, what I learned about America in my hotel room watching, for the first time, 4 episodes Chicago P.D.

Image result for tv show chicago pd

     (1) SWAT-like teams breaking into ultra dangerous crack houses or various murderous lairs are best led at the point of the spear by a slim fit beautiful blonde; (2) For moral support this blonde should have a handsome black teammate (‘magic Negro’?) who oozes Platonic compassion and multicultural understanding; (3) Overseeing the team you’ll likely find someone like the detective sergeant, in the hard-boiled tradition, a tough but caring muscular white alpha male, just senior enough in age to imply he might be the last of a dying breed (race?); (4) Above him, high in the law enforcement hierarchy, we might expect a no-nonsense hefty wise black woman; (5) There are some very good actors, directors and cinematographers working in television.