Friday, July 3, 2020

Ann Coulter: Antifa Are A Laugh Riot—Until They Come For You - The left has been laying the groundwork for this anarchist takeover for a long time. But even they must be amazed that the conservative response was to roll over and play dead. Except maybe they’re not playing.

I wonder if Milo YiannopoulosBen Shapiro, Charles Murray and Heather Mac Donald are reacting to these antifa riots the same way I am.

I mean, not that anyone of us would enjoy the sight of reporters being trapped, chased through the streets and physically assaulted by antifa goons. Or liberal Democrats having to defend their homes with guns in Saint Louis, MO. Or the president hiding in the White House bunker as antifa lays waste to Lafayette Park. Or the mayor of Seattle WA, finally shutting down the CHAZ “summer of love” when the mob came to her house.
They’re all “peaceful protesters”—until they come near you.  ...