Friday, July 17, 2020

Gregory Hood: Heidi Beirich Cancels Generation Identity - "The mask is off. There is no 'free world.'”

Who Radicalized Heidi Beirich (SPLC)? Beirich's origin story ...

Around the country, violent crime and vandalism are on the rise, and the Black Lives Matter movement incites violence. However, Twitter and YouTube are not censoring BLM; they promote it. Instead, Twitter recently banned more than 50 accounts associated with Generation Identity (GI) in Europe, both of organizations and of individuals, especially in Germany and Austria. One of the primary targets was the Austrian Identitarian activist Martin Sellner, whose YouTube channel was also deleted soon after the Twitter purge. This probably happened at the bidding of two former SPLC employees.
Heidi Beirich, formerly of the Southern Poverty Law Center, recently started the “Global Project Against Hate and Extremism” (GPAHE). She and GPAHE co-founder Wendy Via recently wrote a report called “Generation Identity: International Nationalist Movement Spreading On Twitter And YouTube.” It is weak, even for agitprop. It directly — and ridiculously — compares Generation Identity to ISIS. It wants the identitarian movement to be recognized “as a driver of terrorism at the same level as Islamic terrorism.” This means tech companies must take “immediate steps to deplatform all Identitarian material.” That is exactly what happened.
The notion that white advocacy is terrorism is widely circulated nonsense.  ...