Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Gregory Hood: Tucker Carlson Keeps His Job - "I think Mr. Carlson did the best that could have been expected"

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The Left is egalitarian. The Right understands hierarchy. While the Left has cults of personality, for the Right, the need for a personal leader seems built in. There must be a king, a man on horseback, or a tribune of the nation whom we can follow. This leads to mistakes. In retrospect, the tributes to “God-Emperor” Donald Trump in 2015-2016 are embarrassing, even if you think he should be re-elected. We may soon feel the same way about Tucker Carlson, whom many believe is the real voice of American nationalism — though it’s questionable whether “American nationalism” is even possible anymore.
However, I’m not disavowing Mr. Carlson just yet. Last night, he talked about a hit piece against one of his writers that got him fired. Mr. Carlson spoke against the vulgar comments the young man — Blake Neff — posted on a forum. Tasteless comments in private don’t show any of us at our best. But Mr. Carlson also denounced the self-righteousness of those who destroyed a young man’s career. This took courage. ...

     Love Tucker, who doesn't? About the best of civic nationalists, those who tend to ignore decades of anti-white affirmative action, believing whites, Blacks, Hispanics, Muslims, Asians, assorted voodoo priestesses and Amazon River Basin headhunters will one day come together in brotherly love for the Constitution.