Friday, November 4, 2016

AmRen - Durocher: The French Fear Islamization but Do Nothing - Bright spots: (1) Trump win could help Europe; (2) Béziers Mayor Ménard who goes to refugee centers to tell them they are unwelcome.

Image result for nice terror attack victims

Not even the Front National is prepared to act.
In his classic study Democracy in America, Alexis de Tocqueville wrote about Southerners’ attitudes towards the rapidly expanding population of Blacks:
In the states of the South, they are quiet; they do not speak about the future to foreigners; they avoid explaining themselves with their friends; everyone is in denial about it even with themselves. There is something more frightening about the silence of the South than the noisy fears of the North. [1]
Almost two centuries later, there is a similar attitude of denial among French politicians about the steady Afro-Islamization of France. Conservatives are happy to talk about “Islamic totalitarianism,” “secularism,” “burkinis,” etc, but not the underlying problem, which is continued Muslim immigration. Socialists recognize the problem in private, but do nothing either to stop the flood of Africans and Muslims. There is something surreal about the situation.
The most striking example of awareness combined with inactivity was provided recently by the publication of a book of exclusive interviews with our painfully uncharismatic and ineffectual president, the Socialist François Hollande. Among Mr. Hollande’s statements, one finds ...