Saturday, November 5, 2016

Refugee R Watch - North Carolina: US taxpayers paying contractors to import Congolese, provide make-work jobs--and politically organize!

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Posted by Ann Corcoran on November 4, 2016
The timing of this $500,000 grant announcement from the Office of Refugee Resettlement to a local non-profit group for refugees from the DR Congo is so interesting—days before North Carolina could choose the next President of the US. (See yesterday’s post about North Carolina, here.)
Raleigh Immigrant Community Inc. Motto: Unity, Justice, Work (for special people, but not Americans). Community organizers have received a $500,000 federal grant.
It has been awhile since I’ve written about ETHNIC COMMUNITY SELF-HELP GRANTS.
Think about this, besides the fact that the federal grant encourages ethnic separation and non-assimilation by being geared, in this case in NC, to refugees from the DR Congo, your money is used to give special refugees (make work!) jobs and if this one operates as others have in the past, it encourages political involvement for their ethnic group.
I look at these non-profits as little ACORNS (remember ACORN).  They purport to be helping the poor (in special ethnic groups) and then they help them vote and become politically active for ‘their community.’  If you have ethnic community organizers working where you live, find out if they are being funded by you.

There is absolutely no need for this grant program from the Office of Refugee Resettlement. And, I wonder under what legal authority the feds have to pass out your money in this discriminatory fashion.

They already hire the nine major contractors and their hundreds of subcontractors to get the refugees settled. There is no need for spin-off non-profits being run with your money! Imagine the firestorm (!) if we wanted federal bucks (community organizing money) to organize a European-American ethnic support group! Or, how about North Carolina Trailer Park Redneck Residents for Justice!  (I love rednecks and ‘deplorables’, why not organizing bucks for them/us?)
Before I get to this one from North Carolina, see this list of $millions in grant money for special groups of people (no wonder African Americans notice that immigrants are getting more stuff than they are).
Here is the news about the Raleigh Immigrant Community (LOL! timing of grant announcement is amusing!) from the Daily Tarheel:
The Raleigh Immigrant Community (RIC) started a program to help immigrants in the Triangle area after receiving a $500,000 grant from the U.S. Office of Refugee Resettlement.
The RIC began as a community adjustment support group for refugees from the Democratic Republic of the Congo that met through the UNC Refugee Mental Health and Wellness Initiative. They started meeting in January 2015 and became an official nonprofit in April 2016.
The RIC received the ethnic community self-help grant from the U.S. Office of Refugee Resettlement. The grant will give them half a million dollars over three years.  [get that federal money out now before a possible Trump Admin comes in!—ed]
For more go to our category Ethnic Community Based Organizations.’ They were previously called ECBOs. I haven’t written much about them in recent years, but when you hear about the over a billion in tax dollars that ORR wants to run their programs, know that grants like this (for special people) are why it is so costly.