Recent Mug Shots - Approach with Caution
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Statement from unnamed Border Patrol source:
"Sadly, the Amnesty Gang of Ocho, led by John 'Johnny Forked-Tongue Fly-boy' McCain, with the help of his wing-man, Chuck 'Chuckles Patriotism Schmatriotism' Schumer, is still at large until their next respective elections. They are believed to be dangerous and armed with legislative crowbars, attempting to further pry open America's already half-open borders at every entry point. Their newest member is Marco 'Pretty Boy' Rubio, thought to be dangerously delusional, fancying himself the 'Worldwide Conservative Leader of All Latinos.' The most recent gang member spotted in public was Lindsey 'The Grinner' Graham, who burst into a South Carolina chicken-plucking plant known to hire American citizens armed with a deadly high-powered megaphone, shouting 'You are taking jobs away from the undocumented!' But, frankly, at this point, our most worrisome concern is that the gang's leader may have taken his old jet fighter-bomber out of mothballs, so that he can, as he put it to the startled attendees of one of his recent town-hall meetings, 'directly blast holes through that danged fence!'"