Protests against white separatism group planned at park
Colleen Creamer
The Dickson Herald
Montgomery Bell State Park - Google Images
Two groups plan to protest an organization known for its white separatism and supremacist policies at Montgomery Bell State Park Friday and Saturday.
The annual conference for American Renaissance, which also goes by AmRen and labels its views as “race realism,” will be at the park’s conference center for the second straight year.
One protest group, the Coalition to Shut Down AmRen, in association with Austin Peay Students for a Democratic Society, plans a protest for Friday and Saturday outside the conference center. ...
Google Images
Love that last sentence above. In our upside-down Orwellian world, the Shut Down Coalition and the Democratic Society are the very picture of today's openness, tolerance and democracy.
What the article does not mention is that in the previous two successful shutdowns of AmRen conferences, the hotels finally backed out of their paid conference reservation contracts because they were getting hammered by anonymous death threats against their staff.
The rest of us would get stopped and searched for mistakenly carrying a nail file into an airport terminal, but Attorney General Holder--the one who intones that Americans are “cowards” for not wanting to discuss race--and other authorities seem strangely uninterested in this form of terrorism.
In the past, when AmRen conferences did take place, there would be maybe a dozen scraggly protesters down on the sidewalk, shouting and holding up their name-calling signs. The scary thing is that these people making threats and trying to shout down people into frightened silence, these professional anti-‘haters,’ are merely the more obvious and visibly ugly face of the hostile pro open-borders/invasion affirmative-action/anti-white discrimination elites under whose rule we dwell.
So maybe we should be a little grateful when the mask slips out of place from time to time, lest we forget whom and what we are dealing with. It is likely that more and more European Americans will awaken, particularly as the demographic tsunami continues and whites will not have the luxury of yammering all the required politically correct catchphrases while at the same time still living in neat clean green quiet low-crime almost all-white neighborhoods. This will become a luxury reserved only for wealthy whites, as the rest of us get inexorably thrown mercilessly into the wood-chipper god of ‘Celebrate diversity!’