The Big Rotten Apple
by Gavin McInnes - Taki's Magazine - April 12, 2013
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Examining New York politics is like dipping a ladle into the sewer: Any random sampling will yield nothing but toxic shit water.
New York City’s 2013 mayoral election is seven months away, but the stench of New York politics is already intense enough to make you gag. ...
So New York City is not quite the Dinkins 'gorgeous mosaic' after all? We can only wonder what the corruption level will be when the Third World completely takes over. When others commenting here talk about how white New York City is today, please keep in mind the silent modifier: temporarily.
Also when it comes to NYC, you have the complication of the power of the Jewish community, which at least for a couple thousand years has seen any white gentile society, by its very nature, a deadly threat, and therefore must be divided, diluted and destabilized at every turn. Of course they were the key power source behind the US opening the floodgates to the Third World in 1965.
Due to US demographic changes, all 'red', or more conservative, states will eventually become blue states, electing Democrats. When I grew up outside of Los Angeles, it was mostly a white conservative place, with a white conservative mayor. Yes, there was a liberal Hollywood and a head-in-the-clouds Berkeley, but this was rarely enough to swing state elections, much less dominate the state.
Now, barring some freak accident, like a some cataclysmic split among Democratic candidates, LA will forever only elect liberals. Not because liberals took over, but because the US has a federal government that has declared war on people of European heritage and Western civilization. And California for almost five decades, since the flood of in-migration began, including chain migration, repeated amnesties, etc, has been at the foot of Mexico's main off-ramp. And these and other incoming peoples from the Third World mostly vote Democrat.
Even New England, just like Nebraska or Tennessee, now has growing colonies of vibrant refugees. But, amazingly, nightmarishly, the refugee flood is a whole separate event from the main immigration tsunami. When it comes to refugees, private groups, like Catholic Charities, sponsor them and then dump these people on hard pressed local communities, which all of a sudden find they must cope with gang warfare and schools needing to teach kids who are speaking dozens of exotic languages.
When, say, Billings, Montana becomes overrun with nonwhites, it will elect liberals. It isn't the other way around. Of course then liberals, after being elected in increasing numbers by increasing numbers of nonwhites, speed up the process, by favoring amnesties, establishing sanctuary cities, redistributing the wealth, etc. That is why most nonwhites vote for them in the first place.
The fun part is that nonwhite Democrats will eventually toss out their white Democratic leaders. Why share the spoils of power with hated whitey? Still, as all Western nations sink into the third-world swamp, that will be of cold comfort to the few surviving whites.