Good Samaritan helps man beaten by teenagers
JACKSONVILLE, Fla. -- A Good Samaritan speaks out about how she and her fiancé helped a man being beaten by teenagers on the Northside.
A witness, who does not want to reveal her identity for fear of her safety, says Friday night she was driving down Soutel Drive near Lem Turner Road with her fiancé and saw a group of teenagers beating a man.
"We seen a whole bunch of African-American kids you know, beating and stomping on an elderly Caucasian guy and he had bags and everything, he couldn't even defend himself because it was so many kids," said the anonymous witness.
The witness says she immediately dialed 911 and turned around to go help the man.
"Between 10 or 15 kids it could have been more because they just scattered like ants when we came back around," said the witness.
The Jacksonville Sheriff's Office report identified the victim as 56-year-old Peter Richard Lockhart. He was transported to Shands for abrasions on his left wrist and face. The witness says Lockhart told her that he had just gotten off the city bus and was going home with his groceries.
The victim told police that he was approached from behind and was beaten with a stick, the witness says at one point he was just laying flat on the ground and almost looked like he had crawled out to the road where people could see him. ...
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