Saturday, June 8, 2013

HANSON: The stagnant Mediterranean - or what is wrong with racially blind 'conservatism' - Example One

HANSON: The stagnant Mediterranean

Short of a Muslim embrace of the modern, there’s no hope for the future

The Washington Times

From the heights of Gibraltar, you can see Africa about nine miles away to the south — and gaze eastward on the seemingly endless Mediterranean, which stretches 1,500 miles to Asia beyond. Mare Nostrum, “our sea,” the Romans called the deep blue waters that allowed Rome to unite Asia, Africa and Europe for half a millennium under a single prosperous, globalized civilization.

Yet the Mediterranean has not always proved history’s incubator of great civilizations — Greek, Roman, Byzantine, Ottoman, Florentine and Venetian. Sometimes, the ancient “Pillars of Hercules” at the narrow mouth of the Mediterranean here at Gibraltar marked not so much a gateway to progress and prosperity as a cultural and commercial cul-de-sac. ...

"A shrinking and aging Europe keeps drawing in young Muslim immigrants from the Middle East and North Africa. They want out of their impoverished Islamic homelands, but are being consumed by, rather than enriching, the wealthier European societies that they are drawn to like moths to a flame."

     This piece is a perfect example of the absurd pretzel-like arguments that neocons and libertarians drag us through to try to show us that all our problems center around the economy and liberty / minimal regulation. 

     Africans are not coming to Europe to be consumed by it. They are gleefully consuming Europe thorough colonization. The icing on the cake is that London, because of its (temporary) economic strength, is provided as a wonderful example of growth, when in reality it is becoming known by many in the UK and elsewhere as 'Londonistan,' with hundreds of thousands of whites fleeing its increasingly foreign exotic culture, with over-the-top crime rates, such as rapes by Muslims against young white girls. 

     In many ways the neocons and libertarians are more dangerous than the Left, because they masquerade as being conservative while hollowing out conservatism and replacing actual conservatives, who would have intellectually and politically battled to save Western civilization, with people who purposely shine the spotlight away from the central issue, the genetic death of Western civilization. Yes, Western economies will die too.