Saturday, June 8, 2013

They Say They Want a Revolution by Scott Locklin - or what is wrong with racially blind 'conservatism' - Example Two

They Say They Want a Revolution

According to Fairleigh Dickinson University’s PublicMind survey, 29% of US citizens polled say they believe that “In the next few years, an armed revolution might be necessary in order to protect our liberties.” Of the five potential responses to this question—“agree, disagree, neither, unsure, no answer”—only 47% of those polled (31% of Republicans) overtly disagree with the statement. ...

"One in four Americans has some kind of criminal record. American men have a 52% chance of being arrested in their lifetimes."

     No mention that this is mostly minority, with a crime rate probably about normal for their homelands, plus adding the endless low-grade insurgency going on against whites and what minorities perceive as a government representing us (if only).

     Liberals lie through lies. Neocons and libertarians (not all) lie by omission.

     Reminds me of some of the articles I've read at City Journal that can be absolutely wonderful at eviscerating the nuttiness of various policies of the Left., but you soon feel that something is not quite right. Then you realize that it is all about economic growth, liberty, deregulation, etc, etc. 

     Yes, we are well aware of how liberal programs can increase minority neighborhood dysfunction, but many neocons and libertarians apparently believe that if it weren't for such social programs, your average Mexican, black and Muslim kids easily could be millions of little Ronald Reagans or Rand Pauls. 

     Could anyone be that dense? Of course believing this, or at least spouting it, is much more lucrative than honestly talking about racial and civilizational differences, after which the same scholars would be delivering lectures at American Renaissance and CofCC conferences, after which their speaking and writing opportunities would drastically trail off.

     Is it all about liberty? Well, yes, if you include non-liberty as whites being eaten alive demographically and criminally by nonwhites at the hands of white and Semitic hostile ruling elites.

     The loony utopian rainbow nations of the West are bound to crumble, but it will be a many-sided breakup, multicultural if you will, and could be many years from now. 

     Meanwhile, if some black guy in Oakland says he thinks revolution is coming or is necessary, it likely is not the same as the revolution that many whites might be fearing or hoping for. Any similarity only exists in the dreamy heads of economics-is-all libertarians and neocons, although for many neocons a darker, more focused purpose is at work.