Congolese refugee women in America need costly mental health care; 50,000 in the pipeline!
Your tax dollars:
We told you here in June of 2013 that the US was aiming to resettle 50,000 Congolese (DR Congo) refugees over the next few years and the US State Department has been busy, busy, busy getting the flow started. Indeed this article tells us something we didn’t know—they want to get the 50,000 here by 2019!
If you visit the statistics at the Refugee Processing Center (US State Department) you will see that at the close of Fiscal year 2014 on September 30th, we resettled 4,540 from the Democratic Republic of the Congo during the year (Don’t look at the map where someone has left out DR Congo! or case numbers, look at individuals numbers listed for DR Congo in chart below map).
Apparently enough of them are here to begin studying their needs, in this case, their need for costly mental health treatment (also needed by the Bhutanese). The report (partially funded by the UN) suggests “leveraging local resources.” Of course that means the feds aren’t going to pay for it—state and local taxpayers will! Wyoming are you listening! ...
Anne Richard, US State Department and Antonio Guterres head of UNHCR. The UN is calling the shots on Congolese resettlement to America. Richard to Socialist Guterres: Jump? How high?