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The Politics of Psychopathology
The history of Marxism is both tragedy and farce. The tragedy is obvious to all who can bear to see -- tens of millions of dead, massive social and economic destruction, the gulags, enslavement, poverty, the favoritism shown to themselves by Marxist elitists, and endemic corruption. The Soviet Union collapsed due to dishonesty, inefficiency, incompetence, and corruption in 1991. The constituent republics of the Soviet Union almost unanimously fled the embrace of Mother Russia after the dissolution of the USSR. Now North Korea, Cuba, and Venezuela, economic basket cases all, continue the Soviet model, and Putin is trying to revive Russia with the same old tired Marxist philosophy, but no longer labeled as Marxist. Despite the serial disasters of Marxism there is an abiding faith among Marxists worldwide that Marxism can be made to work and prosper. This faith is particularly ironic when found within American academia and politics, since America was the most successful social and economic experiment in history until recently.
In the one hundred fifty years since Karl Marx became active, it seems not to have occurred to a single ranking Marxist leader except Milovan Đilas that something is wrong with the whole Marxist concept. On the contrary, the wholesale death and destruction within Marxist states is celebrated as a necessary evil and the eventual collapses are blamed on human failure and inadequacy. Marxism is thought by Marxists to be an infallible historical certainty ...