Racial Hostility and Violence on Campus
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Every high school student in America should read a recent commentary in the Philadelphia Daily News about the “new Jim Crow.”
Especially if they are thinking attending an “urban university.”
The article described with articulate hostility how black people do not want white people in the black neighborhoods surrounding Temple University near downtown Philadelphia.
The writer does not use code words or dance around this explicit racial resentment: Temple University and its “developer friends” are “not just gentrifiers, but guilty of resegregating Philadelphia on the model of South African apartheid. This is the New Jim Crow,” wrote Chad Dion Lassiter.
It goes on like this for another 500 words: White people are bad. And the white people who notice, like the writer for Philadelphia Magazine who wrote about black on white crime in “Being White in Philadelphia"? They are even worse.
The mayor said "Being White in Philadelphia" was “despicable” and called for the city’s Human Rights Commission to investigate. No need to wonder about the rampant black on white crime in Philly. The mayor figured that out by himself: 400 years of racism.
Scholars like Lassiter do not have to go far to learn about this black on white racial animosity: Temple University is a world center for Critical Race Theory: white racism is everywhere. White racism is permanent. And white racism explains everything.
Understandably missing from Lassiter’s lament are the numerous and recent cases of black on white crime, violence and even murder inflicted on white Temple students who have been shielded from this explicit racial hatred.
Some learn the hard way: white students at urban schools are targets. Big, soft, and lucrative. After they learn that, the second thing they find out is that police are not terribly interested in it. ...