Multiculturalism Kills
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On Anderson Cooper 360 last week CNN’s Ebola expert David Quammen -- Yale grad, Rhodes scholar -- struck the perfect multicultural note. With the fury of a Puritan divine, he scolded those who want to ban commercial travel to West Africa. “How dare we turn our backs on Liberia,” said Quammen, “given the fact that this is a country that was founded in the 1820s, 1830s because of American slavery. We have a responsibility to stay connected to them and help them see this through.”
Quammen was merely saying out loud what the multiculturalists in the Obama administration, the president included, have been thinking: America has become rich by oppressing the people of color. We owe them, even at the cost of American dollars and American lives. In the empty-headed patois of the movement, we must “check our privilege.”
It is this, the logic of multiculturalism, that has dictated the White House response to the Ebola crisis. That logic, however, doesn't fly with ordinary citizens. So the administration is forced to argue its case in any which way it can. Enter, stage left, the hapless Thomas Frieden, director of the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and Prevention. ...