Indonesia wants to put Muslim asylum seekers on an island; blasts Australia for lack of welcome
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This is actually pretty funny! Indonesia, a Muslim country, has long served as a transit route for the Middle Eastern and African illegal aliens (boat people) wanting to get into Australia, but Australia has been attempting to stop the illegal migration and is now guarding its borders. Consequently, the pile-up of “asylum seekers” in Indonesia has become a problem.
Here is a thought—let Indonesia give refuge to fellow Muslims.
Australian Immigration Minister, Scott Morrison: We are taking the “sugar off the table!” Where is America’s Scott Morrison?
From the Global Post (emphasis is mine):
JAKARTA — Senior Indonesian officials say they are looking for an island to accommodate some 10,000 asylum seekers and refugees waiting for resettlement in the country, as they have become a “burden.”
Asylum seekers flock to Indonesia from the Middle East, Asia and Africa, hoping to reach Australia. But Indonesia’s southern neighbor has recently announced that all refugees registered at the Jakarta office of the UNHCR refugee agency from July 2014 will now automatically be banned from resettlement in Australia.
Australia’s immigration minister Scott Morrison compares the ban to “taking the sugar off the table,” and says it’s in Indonesia’s interest. “We’re trying to stop people thinking they can go to Indonesia and wait around till they get to Australia,” he told Australia’s ABC Radio late November. “This is designed to stop people flowing into Indonesia. It will help Indonesia.”
But Indonesian authorities don’t see it that way. “It’s Australia’s right, but it’s creating a burden for us,” said Indonesia’s Justice and Human Rights minister Yasonna Laoly on Australia’s ABC News. “There are 10,000 foreign citizens, which becomes a burden for us.”
Indonesia has never signed any refugee treaty with the UN! So, why isn’t UNHCR Antonio Guterres blasting Indonesia? Is it because it is already a Muslim country and it is Australia that should be Islamized? (LOL! is that a word?).
As a signatory to the United Nations’ Refugee Convention, Australia is bound by international law to protect refugees. Indonesia has not signed the treaty.
Faisal, a 23-year-old Somalian who calls Australia’s policy “inhumane” and “cruel”…
Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott’s anti-immigration “Operation Sovereign Borders” was launched shortly after he took office late 2013, and has created tensions with Jakarta. Indonesian authorities haven’t been happy with Australia towing back boats of migrants en route to Australia towards Indonesian waters.
There is more, read it all!