Guest column: The abuser is a “refugee” or “asylum seeker”
Editor’s note: Reader ‘Pungentpeppers’ has gathered together some recent news for a brief summary of some items that fit a pattern worldwide. Of course the first one is a story we have covered—the Australian-Iranian refugee terrorist from last week—however we didn’t discuss his record of abusing women. Guest posts are welcome, but keep them short and send links to the news stories to which you are referring. Guest posts and lengthy informative comments to an existing post are archived in our ‘comments worth noting’ category.
When a domestic abuser is not deported, that’s deadly! Stories from December.
AUSTRALIA – Iranian fake sheik and refugee, Man Haron Monis (aka Mohammad Hassan Manteghi), held 17 hostages at gunpoint at a Sydney cafe and coffee shop, then killed 2 of them. The refugee had ABUSED his WIFE and was involved in her brutal MURDER. He was facing more than 40 charges of ASSAULT against WOMEN. Yet he was allowed to roam free in Australia’s largest city and was not deported – with tragic consequences.
In North Carolina (a big resettlement state), Arab Mohamed Ali, 35 will get 12 years for strangling his wife, then he will be out on a North Carolina street again. Based on our track record, deportation is unlikely.
CANADA – Somali refugee, Yusuf Osman Abdille, STABBED HIS WIFE and TWO CHILDREN TO DEATH, then “fell” from a bridge onto a Toronto parkway, landing in mid-day traffic in front of a hapless driver. The murder victim, Zahra Abdille, was a refugee who worked as a public health nurse in Canada. At one point, she had fled her abuser and took the children to a shelter for domestic violence victims. Later, she sought court protection but – unable to afford an attorney – she was denied relief. That final factor probably would not have prevented these deaths – but a deportation order would have.
CANADA – Attempted murderer Yiyan Xie, a Chinese national, is playing the deportation excuse game. Xie was due in Kitchener, Ontario, court this month for sentencing for his ATTEMPTED MURDER conviction of his EX-GIRLFRIEND, Yiyang Hao, a university student. Prior to the KNIFE ATTACK, he had bombarded Hao with emails for months, THREATENING to KILL her. In court, his attorney asserted that if Xie were deported to China, he might be executed. Boo hoo! Isn’t that what he planned for his girlfriend?!
UNITED STATES – An Ethiopian refugee, Arab Mohamed Ali, 35, will spend at least 12 years in prison after pleading guilty in the STRANGULATION MURDER of his WIFE Safaya Dadacha, 23, in 2013. After committing the horrendous deed, the murderer himself called 911 and waited with his two children for police to arrive. Let’s hope he’ll be DEPORTED! But maybe not….. [US taxpayers paid to resettle him, now you get to pay for his incarceration.—ed]
During FY2013, the Obama Administration – instead of deporting – released offenders who had committed 1,317 acts of domestic violence. (See Senator Chuck Grassley below.) The Ethiopian murderer has two kids he did not kill – that’s “family”, isn’t it? And with the PC concern about uniting immigrant “families” – even though domestic abusers are deadly to families – this perp might eventually be released to wreak havoc upon the surviving kids.
Immigration lawyers and activists oppose deportation of domestic abusers. They say it’s unfair because we cannot deport our own domestic offenders. I say, if you have too much trash and trouble – get rid of some of the junk! ...