Non-PC US history gone with the wind?
Purging the History of the South
Calmer heads know unity will not be achieved nor racism ended with the taking down of the so-called Confederate flag from South Carolina’s State House grounds. While the debate currently is about one symbol seen as offensive by many, there is much more at stake than the elimination of a single flag.
Much more.
What is occurring even as this piece is being written is a modern version of the frenzied iconoclasm of the past. Today’s leftists are much like the zealots who attacked cathedrals during the Reformation, knocking the heads off statues, destroying relics, breaking stained glass windows and even stripping paint from church walls. The iconoclasts believed they were purifying the church from idolatry and heresy by so doing.
In like manner, the religion of the Left is seeking the destruction of symbols, statues and paintings representing what they believe to be an unmitigated racist world view diametrically opposed to the doctrines of the pure church of liberalism. ...