Idaho: Get ready for Somali refugees as county approves huge meatpacking plant near Boise
One more piece of the puzzle has been found! Idaho will ‘welcome’ refugees because big industries need cheap labor (for jobs Americans won’t do, right!).
BIG MEAT changing America! Filling those wide open spaces with a massive meat processing facility and bringing in refugee labor to fill the jobs! Watch for it!
Reader Dave saw our post yesterday about Twin Falls and the Chobani Yogurt plant, and now gives us hot news that Ada County is going to get a meatpacking giant! Kuna, in Ada County, is less than a half an hour from Boise (the largest refugee resettlement site in Idaho).
We have for years told you that since Bill Clinton supplied the first refugees for Iowa meat processors (here), that BIG MEATwas changing rural America with the help of the UN/US State Department and its ‘religious’ resettlement contractors acting as head hunters for big business.
This is one of literally dozens of posts here at RRW about the role meatpackers are playing in changing America.
Remember readers, it is all about the money!
The Somalis, in particular, move around the country as meatpacking jobs become available, but surely the welcome wagon in Idaho expects Congolese, Burmese, and Bhutanese slave laborers to help fill the employment needs. Mark my words, no matter how high the meatpacker says the salaries will be, they will be too low for anyone other than immigrants and refugees whose families are being subsidized through generous welfare gratis the US taxpayer!
Before reading on, see BOISE MAYOR ROLLS OUT WELCOME MAT FOR REFUGEES! I want to barf every time I see our elected officials sell out America with the help of the refugee resettlement ‘do-gooders.’
KUNA, Idaho — There are hundreds of new jobs coming to the Kuna area, thanks to the county’s approval of a meat processing facility near the small town.
Right now, there’s a field East of Kuna that’s home to some whistlepigs and a little bit of heavy machinery. But, business leaders say by next year, it will be home to 600 jobs.
Thursday night, along with his fellow Ada County Commissioners, Dave Case approved the building of a 380,000 square foot, $100 million meat processing plant. “Obviously, it will be good for the economy.”
They haven’t broken ground yet, but crews are already doing some prep work. It’s a joint venture between the J. R. Simplot Company and a Texas meat packing company, Caviness Beef Packers. Kuna Mayor Greg Nelson says it will be a huge economic boost for the bedroom community, which has few jobs of its own right now.
There is more, read on. These county commissioners are dumb enough to think that lots of locals will find work cutting meat. Or, maybe they know better and are lying to the public!
Neighbors and members of the public are worried about smells and environmental problems, but they will have a lot more to worry about when the Somalis come to town!
By the way, do you remember that Senator Jeff Sessions fingered the meatpackers in 2013 as one of the big industries lobbying for amnesty, here.
Endnote: I would be interested to know who made a killing selling this land to the meat giant?