Sunday, June 28, 2015

VDare: Was Britain’s Surprise Election A Backlash Against Flagrant Muslim Treason? - "In an Islamic Britain and a Third World America, free speech will be a thing of the past."

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Was Britain’s Surprise Election A Backlash Against Flagrant Muslim Treason?

The late Lawrence Auster often said Great Britain was already “dead,” and the Mother Country’s coddling of an existential Islamic threat within its own borders seem to show he was right. Over 700 “British” Muslims havefought for the Islamic State, with as many as 350 having already returned to the UK. MI5 calls it an “unprecedented” threat to national security [More Britons trained as terrorists than ever before, says M15by Tom Whitehead, The Telegraph, June 11, 2015]. Still, the recent completely unexpected Conservative victory in the UK may show that death of the British people is exaggerated. The flagrant disloyalty of Britain’s Muslimsmay well be why so many British voters turned to the Right—while apparently lying to pollsters about their intentions.
The extent of this treason cannot be overemphasized. Incredible as it seems, far more “British” Muslims have joined Islamist forcesthan are serving in the British armed forces. ...