How Come You Don’t Know About This Immigrant Near-Mass Murder At Stanford?
The murderous actions of one man in Charleston, South Carolina are being exploited to transform American politics utterly, but an attempted mass murder by a member of the “model minority” continues to be almost totally unreported. Ouyang Xiangyu did not actually succeed in murdering four of her Stanford University lab mates—although immigrant mass murder is a regular occurrence—but Stanford covered up her crimes for months and still refuses to name her. Needless to say, the Main Stream Media is in the Political Correctness tank too.
Ouyang now says she was “crying out for help.” But in contrast, one of her victims actually did cry out: “I think someone is trying to kill me!” Between last August and November 10, Ouyang Xiangyu’s attempted victims were poisoned with paraformaldehyde (PFA) and formaldehyde in their bottled water. One of Ouyang’s victims “immediately experienced a burning sensation in her mouth and throat. Her eyes became irritated and watery. She began salivating uncontrollably. Her throat was burning so bad that she could not even swallow the water” [Grad Student Spends Three Months Poisoning Labmates, Charged with Four Felonies, Confesses, to Plead Not Guilty by Reason of Insanity, The Fountain Hopper and, March 31, 2015.]
Ouyang had also sabotaged one classmate’s stem cell research.
Reportedly all of Ouyang’s victims were other Asian females, although one had a non-Asian name.
Ouyang is from Singapore, but was born in Communist China, whichmay or may not have political implications. Needless to say, the MSM, including Stanford’s authorized student newspaper, theStanford Daily, has refused to look into these possible connections.
In fact, the only reason we even know about this case is because Stanford’s Fountain Hopper, an anonymously-published, guerrilla student paper, posted the 267-page criminal complaint (pdf) against Ouyang in its entirety, and published a major story on the case. ...