‘Welcoming America Watch’ is on the case, example of what citizens are doing to fight back
Posted by Ann Corcoran on July 12, 2015
Welcoming America, the Leftwing community organizing group which the Office of Refugee Resettlement hired, here, with your money seems to be targeting the Midwest and especially Ohio (see Welcoming America targets Cleveland) with its propaganda about how refugees and immigrants will save the economy. On Thursday they held a pow-wow in Dayton reported in a post entitled, ‘Rust Belt Cities Embrace Immigrants as Key to Future.’

Agenda to Erase America: James Simpson goes into greater detail about Welcoming America in his recently published book.
I looked at all the information at their website, here, on the ‘Convening Dayton’ meeting and their ‘WE Global Network’ and realized I don’t have enough hours in the day to dissect it all and report on it. So, I was relieved to see that the new blog ‘Welcoming America Watch—Midwest‘ is on the case. See post here. And don’t miss this one.
I sure wish one of those Washington, DC immigration control groups would do economic studies that counter this propaganda that immigrants and refugees will bring economic life back to impoverished cities.
I believe the No Borders advocates’ glowing numbers would prove to be bogus if smart economic minds added in the cost of welfare, the costs in local education budgets, health department budgets, the costs to taxpayers of the criminal justice system, and last but not least, the costs to the American economy of the remittance dollars that leave the country permanently.
‘Welcoming America Watch–Midwest’ is a prime example of the ‘resistance’ movement we discussed, here, yesterday where the blogger is a concerned citizen just like you and me!
For more on ‘Welcoming America,’ be sure to see James Simpson’s book, ‘The Red-Green Axis, Refugees, Immigration and the Agenda to Erase America’, in which he goes into more depth about ‘Welcoming America’s’ plans to “seed” towns and cities with migrants (who will of course vote for Democrats!).
This post is archived in our new ‘Pockets of Resistance’ category.
I’m going to nag you—resistance fighters—to death! You must publish your local research. Any documents you find (or produce), any meetings of the opposition (or local government meetings) that you attend, any local news articles that must get out to a wider audience, must be posted preferably at a website or blog. Facebook is o.k. but your work can’t be easily retrieved a year from now.
You are investigative reporters and you must build your numbers by reaching and educating more Americans where you live. I love all the research that is going on around the country, but I can’t possibly process it all!
Knowledge is power! ...