Friday, October 16, 2015

Machell Malkin - VDare: Comeuppance Of Obama Crony Kevin Johnson–Sacramento, CA, Black Mayor Accused Of Molesting A White Teenage Girl - "Instead of cutting ties with the Sacto corruptocrat, the Obama White House showered his city with a new AmeriCorps grant worth more than $650,000."


The fit finally hit the shan for Sacramento mayor and former NBA star Kevin Johnson. His latest troubles are a stark reminder of the despicable White House role in railroading a vigilant government watchdog who red-flagged Johnson’s corruption years ago.
Sports fans buzzed last week after ESPN shelved a documentary celebrating Johnson’s efforts to keep the Sacramento Kings basketball team in his city. The public relations disaster came at the hands of the weekly Sacramento News & Review, which has published damning reports all year long on Johnson’s use of public resources for personal gain—along with sports website Deadspin, which has hammered Johnson over longtime allegations of the athlete-turned-Democrat point man’s sleazy financial dealings and personal perversities. ...