Friday, October 23, 2015

NumbersUSA - Roy Beck: PBS Documentary Exposed Paul Ryan As Chief House GOP Amnesty Plotter - To prph Terminator: Stop Ryan if you vant to leeve! --tma

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We sit on the precipice of the possibility that the most powerful and committed Republican House amnesty leader will become Speaker of the House.

My description of Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) is not based just on what I know but on what PBS proved Tuesday night with its premier airing of a two-hour documentary, IMMIGRATION BATTLE. It provided detail after detail of Ryan's back-room efforts to get a version of the Senate Gang of 8 amnesty through the House over the last two years.

Perhaps you need to know nothing more than that Rep. Luis Guitierrez (D-IL) made it clear in the documentary that he regards Ryan as far more a friend of illegal immigrants than is Nancy Pelosi.

The crisis today is this:

1. After a couple of weeks of saying he didn't want to be Speaker -- but with the nation's corporate lobbies pressuring him to take the gavel -- Ryan said last night that he'll run for Speaker if everybody agrees to give him more power than outgoing Speaker Boehner has had.

2. Ryan said he'll wait for various factions of House Republicans to tell him that they will give him that power and then make his definitive announcement about running on Friday. ...