How will the mass invasions of European or European-foundednations by the wretched refuse of the Third World’s teeming shoreswork out? I see five scenarios:
Scenario One: Absorption. All will be well. The migrants, in whatever numbers choose to come, will enrich and energize our tired, aging societies. They will take on our liberal values and become good Europeans, Americans, and Canadians.
Scenario Two: Restriction. Political pressure from their native populations will force receiving nations to stem the flow. Fences will go up, coastal patrols will commence; but those illegals who are in, will be allowed to stay in.
Scenario Three: Rejection. There will be a real uprising of native peoples. Illegals will be deported en masse to their countries of origin.
Scenario Four: Surrender. The native European and European-descended populations, enervated by soft living and psychologically disarmed by globalist propaganda, will yield up their societies to the invaders.
Scenario Five: Fragmentation. Some part or parts of the First World will opt for one of the foregoing scenarios, some other part or parts for a different one.
Allow me to mull over those scenarios and try to assign some probabilities. ...
All well done, but, for example on Idaho and California, I think it is curious that so many people who have no problem envisioning the breakup of the US always seem to assume that state boundaries will remain intact. The Sierra Nevada has about as much solidarity with Los Angeles and San Francisco as it does with Marrakesh. http://www.vdare.com/articles/john-derbyshire-five-scenarios-for-the-white-world?content=having%20750%20illegals