Went back and forth with an old flame of mine, the type of person who is so liberal Democrat that just about everything she utters sounds as if it is repeated straight off the Democratic Central Committee's main webpage. In a discussion of interracial crime, I forwarded to her some common gruesome news stories about completely unprovoked Black-on-White rapes, tortures, mutilations and murders.
This lead to an interesting discovery that I don't know for sure applies to most liberals, but I have a feeling it does. She said I didn't need to send her such news stories because "I know bad things happen."
So I think the crux of the matter is that while a liberal will lose sleep at night worrying that a non-White, a Muslim or a Gypsy is being somehow discriminated against, even if subtly or institutionally, by Whites, any attack against there own people, against people of European heritage, is seen as sort of an act of nature, like a unfortunately timed lightning strike, something completely impersonal that just happens to hit one of us because we are at the wrong place at the wrong time.
How liberals, and globalists generally, could have absolutely zero empathy for their larger ethnic family, even potentially their own future grandkids, and pride themselves in this bizarre callousness, is a modern marvel of human psychology.