Sunday, March 20, 2016

RR Watch: Comment worth noting: Where have all the Cinderella men gone? - With reply from yours truly. --tma

Posted by Ann Corcoran on March 20, 2016
Editor:   We have a category here at RRW entitled ‘Comments worth noting/guest posts.’  This is a good comment from reader Cathy that I am bringing to your attention.  The comment was made to yesterday’s post, ‘Jobs Americans won’t do….’  Emphasis below is mine.
From Cathy:
When I talk to people about the hit that American citizens are taking by big companies hiring immigrants, both legal and illegal, they always come back with the statement that the American citizens do not want to work, have a poor work ethic, are not dependable, etc. My guess is that this might well be the case because we have paid people to not work, making it an option, with no stigma. ...

     This idea is not without all merit, but I believe that, at least when it comes to European American men, they most definitely still want to have a wife and family and a good demanding job. Although they might be more agreeable to accepting something like 'workmens comp,' welfare is still considered a major stigma. But one problem is that humans are pack animals and they pick up on social cues. Talking about younger men, I think many are quite willing to do hard physical labor at entry-level jobs or as temporary summer employment, working through college, or even as a career. Many young men relish being physically tested, in the military or civilian work, for one thing, building and demonstrating strength and toughness, and improving one's physical and general attractiveness to the opposite sex. 

     However, once various industries, like agriculture, become the province of legal and illegal non-Whites from alien cultures, where a newly hired young White man walks out, let's say, into a vineyard or a tomato field, and they find their clannish non-English speaking coworkers are doing double-takes, reacting in amused puzzlement, such work loses most of its appeal, as something that aware young people just don't do. This is one of the main reasons almost all people are diligent to keep their clothes at least semi in-style. It can be socially devastating to appear so clueless that you are still attired as if encased in a bygone era--for teens, six months back--which can have serious drag-down economic, dating and other consequences. 

     So by socially and culturally closing off entire industries to, especially, European Americans, our cheap-labor Open-Borders Overlords can then point at the predictable consequences and say 'See!' When they have in fact created the very problems they are allegedly trying to cure with their tsunami of alien Third World labor, a teeming temporarily passive slave-wage underclass workforce, a workforce that longtime American citizens, unsurprisingly, are not pushing each other out of the way so they can be the next to joyously dive into.

     Therefore I believe that the charge that, at least, European American workers have generally become "lazy" and have "poor work habits" is a lie. However, it is understandable that many hardworking American buy this idea since they are bombarded with it 24/7. --tma