Posted by Ann Corcoran on August 15, 2016
Invasion of Europe news…….

Will Europeans stop the invasion in time, or is it too late already?
This analysis applies to the US too and for all of you wondering what the hell is driving the invasion, check out this story at Breitbart
hat tip Fred.
(Once again get the idea out of your heads that we should all be humanitarians welcoming the stranger, it is all about money and global power!)
A highly regarded researcher and academic has warned that Muslims in Europe view migration as the start of the Islamisation of the continent. Prof. Abdessamad Belhaj also detailed how globalists are using Muslim migrants to turn Western countries into socially divided societies of easily-controlled consumers.
The scholar of Islam and social sciences warned that large numbers of migrants are “calamitous” for the European people, and that neoliberal elites see Islamic terrorism, and state bankruptcy and collapse as collateral damage in their pursuit of endless wealth.
In an interview with Hungary’s Institute for Migration Research, Professor Belhaj discussed what he calls the Islamic moral economy.
He summarised this economy as based around the belief that “if there is money, it is because of Islam, and if there is Islam it will bring money”.
Simply put, the globalists and the Islamists are teaming up, and to hell with you! Electing Hillary will put another globalist/neo-liberal elitist in the White House! ...