Twin Falls, Idaho: Is Prosecutor attempting to downplay rape story?
Posted by Ann Corcoran on August 18, 2016
Why would he do that? Because the whole narrative that keeps refugees flowing to cities and towns to supply cheap labor for multi-national corporations under the guise of humanitarianism could come crashing down.

Prosecutor Grant Loebs
That, carefully crafted, decades old narrative, is this: refugees are good people, downtrodden souls, escaping war and poverty, and it is US tradition (indeed our role in the world!) to care for those in need and so we must welcome refugees from around the globe who only want a better life for their little children (even if they come from cultures that do not share our traditions, values and laws).
Therefore, news about refugee children raping and sexually assaulting American children simply must be covered-up. There is too much money involved to let this story grow!
Here is the latest from Leo Hohmann at World Net Daily who interviewed the rape victim’s tenacious new attorney. I’ll let you read it yourself.
If you are a new reader, this is a good summary of where the case is today. Here, in a nutshell, is what is going on:
“He’s [prosecutor Grant Loebs] taken a bizarre route and tried to manipulate this narrative into something that he wants, that covers everything up, but he’s not going to succeed. I’m going to lay out why he’s violating the rules of professional conduct and his own oath to represent the victim zealously, regardless of personal cost. He just wants to protect the refugee community so they can work at Chobani and so College of Southern Idaho can continue to get the refugee money.”