Posted by Ann Corcoran on August 30, 2016
They are, in short, needed for labor for multinational corporations and as we have been saying ad nauseum for years the US Refugee Admissions Program serves as an important piece of a business model that allows big corporate honchos to wear the white hat of humanitarianism while taking advantage of labor that can’t easily afford to quit and walk away from the meager wages. You, the US taxpayer, subsidize those wages with welfare payments to try to keep families afloat as the companies get various government tax incentives to assure their business plan is lucrative for them.

World’s largest yogurt plant in Twin Falls, Idaho. Local politicians are responsible for bringing Chobani to Idaho. Beware! Large food processing=refugee resettlement not far behind.
Here is another in a series of investigative pieces (I missed this last week) from Lee Stranahan writing at Breitbart. For background see some of our earlier posts on Twin Falls and Chobani by clicking here.
TWIN FALLS, IDAHO – Hamdi Ulukaya, the Turkish-born billionaire best known for having founded the United States’ largest greek yogurt company, Chobani, has ties to both Bill and Hillary Clinton, the Clinton Global Initiative, Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta, and a host of other globalist corporatist figures including Warren Buffet. Chobani’s factory in Twin Falls – the world’s largest yogurt factory – has been at the center of Breitbart News’ investigative series into the small town’s refugee resettlement program.
According to CNN Money: starting in 2008, Chobani began to hire refugees to work in its upstate New York plant – and listening to Ulukaya speak at events like the Clinton Global Initiative and Davos, one can tell that the issue closest to his heart is refugee resettlement.
The Chobani billionaire’s many speeches and soliloquies on the issue of refugees combined with his extensive political connections may explain why establishment politicians, both Republican and Democrat, have swooned over Ulukaya, positively giddy to form “business / government partnerships” with him and to support his position on refugees.
That is a tease, continue here, to learn about Chobani, Clinton, and cronyism! There is some great information in here which may help you understand the strategy known as corporatism where you live!
And, get that idea out of your head that resettling third worlders in your towns and cities is all about saving the downtrodden. It’s not! It is about money.
I wonder do they tell refugees before they get on the plane that they are headed to dirty and dangerous work for a wage that cannot support a family?
For new readers, go here, for many many posts about Twin Falls which is turning into the poster city for what can go wrong when your town ‘welcomes the stranger.’ ...