Friday, August 16, 2019

France: Special Offer Limited Time Only! (?) Order Food From Uber and Get Raped by an Illegal Bangladeshi--ACT NOW! - Thanks Macron, you're a dreamboat --tma


A 26-year-old illegal immigrant from Bangladesh was arrested in Bordeaux this week after he was accused of raping a university student while he was on the job working as a delivery guy for Uber Eats.
According to Le Parisien, the illegal migrant is believed to have raped a 22-year-old university student earlier in this month after she ordered food from the Uber Eats app at around 3:05 am after arriving home after a night out.
The Bangladeshi showed up at the woman’s flat not long after and realized she was tired and disoriented since she had taken a sleeping pill. The migrant then took the opportunity to force his way into her flat and then proceeded to rape her before fleeing the scene. ...